Sunday, October 29, 2017
When I visited my son and daughter in law living in SanDiego we viewed several sunsets from several different beach locations. Each sunset was magnificently beautiful!
A full moon at night radiates the glory of our God!
To look at the stars and all their splendor is simply amazing!
But all these will not surpass the beauty and brilliance of our new glorified bodies at the resurrection!
1 Corinthians 15 “41The sun is glorious in one way, the moon is glorious in another way, and the stars are glorious in their own [distinctive] way; for one star differs from and surpasses another in its beauty and brilliance. 42So it is with the resurrection of the dead. [The body] that is sown is perishable and decays, but [the body] that is resurrected is imperishable (immune to decay, immortal). [Dan. 12:3.]
43It is sown in dishonor and humiliation; it is raised in honor and glory. It is sown in infirmity and weakness; it is resurrected in strength and endued with power. 44It is sown a natural (physical) body; it is raised a supernatural (a spiritual) body. [As surely as] there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body.”
John 11 “25Jesus said to her, I am [Myself] the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on) Me, although he may die, yet he shall live;”
I love you all very much!(NLM)
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